In 2006 I formed Clocks Are Devils with friends from my previous band The Great God War. After vigorously practicing and writing quality songs we were collectively happy with we began recording our first release (Split with 8085). Not shortly after we began the recording processes I can into contact with Mayday! Mayday! Records. The Kentucky based non profit label run by a small group of friends focused on producing good quality packaging for good bands. They have released albums and cassettes for bands including Bears, Demeanor, Leaving Songs, and Sohns. Mayday! Mayday! Records ended up putting out the split release Clocks was working on with 8085 and following our eventual breakup released the first ever Montgomery Drive cassette release The Elephant Never Forgets.
After being pushed to the side for a while Mayday! Mayday! Records has begun revamping their logo and site while simultaneously planning to release new material in the next few months from Sixteen and Best Summer. For Sixteen, Mayday! Mayday! Records is in the middle of putting together packaging for the cassette version of "Now It's Gone". In addition to containing the recordings from their CDR release, the cassette will also feature an additional cover track. To begin promoting, marketing, and creating an initial buzz for the release Mayday! Mayday! Records released a video teaser on YouTube (check it out below).
The video was done by Matt Barnes (of Mayday! Mayday! Records) and in the credits it notes that the release will be coming out on cassette via Mayday! Mayday! Records. Utilizing social media and web 2.0 Mayday! Mayday! Records and Sixteen are promoting for the release and building awareness of the cassette version and the distribution channels in which this excellent release will be available for purchase. In using this efficient and cost effective marketing the label and bands have been generating lots of attention. These DIY (do it yourself) ethics only strengthen the brands involved and the actual power behind the release.
The video was done by Matt Barnes (of Mayday! Mayday! Records) and in the credits it notes that the release will be coming out on cassette via Mayday! Mayday! Records. Utilizing social media and web 2.0 Mayday! Mayday! Records and Sixteen are promoting for the release and building awareness of the cassette version and the distribution channels in which this excellent release will be available for purchase. In using this efficient and cost effective marketing the label and bands have been generating lots of attention. These DIY (do it yourself) ethics only strengthen the brands involved and the actual power behind the release.
In terms of the genre and networks the release is aimed at, this tactic is one of the best and overall effective means of doing this. The limited run being made will certainly sell out and become one of the gems for tape traders, collectors, and cassette lovers everywhere. Following its release and what happens, perhaps Mayday! Mayday! Records will do another run of the long awaited cassette sooner than later provided all goes according to plan. For those not aware, Sixteen are a two piece that started in the summer of 2009. According to their Bandcamp page they currently reside in Bowling Green Kentucky, wallowing in the murky depths of depression and self pity. They have an excellent blend of sounds that's definitely worth checking out and has become very popular over the last few years with bands like 1994!, Grown Ups, and Algernon Cadwallader.
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